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Facelift and Necklift Revision

A face or neck lift procedure is usually performed to enhance the cosmetic appearance of the face and neck for men and women over the age of 40. Although face and neck lifts are performed for cosmetic reasons, a subset of patients may develop severe scarring that may undermine the cosmetic goals of the procedure. Face lift revision surgery is a sub-specialization of Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian at Kare Plastic Surgery and Skin Health Center in Santa Monica.
Dr. Karamanoukian can evaluate your face and neck lift to determine whether revision surgery is required to correct the scars and improve the overall results of the facial cosmetic surgery procedure. Unlike other surgical revisions, face lift surgery requires specialized expertise to correct scarring and to improve cosmetic harmony in the face and neck.
Surgical scar revision of a face and neck lift can reduce the visible results of your plastic surgery procedure and may be associated with pain and discomfort. An undertreated face or neck lift can also cause problems as there may be under correction of facial tightening leading to residual jowls, wrinkles, and loose face and neck skin. Over-corrected facelift surgeries can cause a pulling, a fact which may distort your facial features, especially when you are animated and full of expression. Dr. Karamanoukian can address all three of these issues during your face lift revision surgery in Los Angeles.
The goal of a proper face lift is to recreate proportions on the face and neck. During your consultation, Dr. Karamanoukian can evaluate the skin, scars, and underlying muscle fascia so that you can reestablish your desired outcomes. Plastic surgery face lift revision is a surgical subspecialty and can be performed under general anesthesia or twilight sedation depending on the severity of your scars, facelift correction, and the proportions on the face and neck.
Dr. Karamanoukian is the world’s expert in corrective revision surgery of the face and body. He specializes in repairing the untoward effects of poorly performed plastic surgery procedures. He is one of the most talented and experienced surgeons for revision plastic surgery.
If you are a candidate for face or neck lift revision surgery, or simply wish to redo a previously performed face lift from the past, contact our plastic surgery patient care coordinator at Kare Plastic Surgery and Skin Health Center in Los Angeles to schedule a consultation with Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian.