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Masseter Botox in Santa Monica

One of the most common non-cosmetic uses for Botox and disport involves the injections of neurotoxin into the masseter muscles and TMJ. Overactive mass of muscles can cause adult men and women to clench and grind their teeth at night time while they're asleep. If this is a chronic problem, the overactive mass or muscles can cause long-term dental problems and symptoms of pain and discomfort.
Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian had Kare Plastic Surgery in Santa Monica specializes in Botox and disport injections for masseter hypertrophy. Patient with Brooke and discomfort associated with unwanted teeth, grinding, and teeth clenching can benefit from Botox injections along the jawline and face.
It is important to choose a an experienced plastic surgeon who is familiar with facial anatomy and TMJ Nasher hypertrophy. Botox works to target the overactive mass or muscles in order to prevent excessive spasm and hyperactivity. Treatment is usually performed in a clinic setting in our luxury plastic surgery office located in Santa Monica.
The amount of Botox needed for an average adult patient depends on the size and dimensions of the masseter muscles. Another factor is the amount of teeth clenching and TMJ hyperactivity, which can be assessed during your consultation in our office.
Botox injections are an ideal treatment for patients who are suffering from brooke ism and TMJ pain. Although there are surgical options to help relieve your symptoms, dentists, and plastic surgeons agree that conservative measures with Botox may be a good initial step to address your symptoms.
Botox is a very safe treatment modality, and can help dramatically improve symptoms. The first step begins with a consultation in our Santa Monica plastic surgery office located on Montana Avenue. We are the leading luxury plastic surgery clinic in Los Angeles and offer plastic surgery and cosmetic dermatology, treatment services, including fillers, skin care, treatments, chemical, peels, and lasers.
Schedule a consultation for TMJ Botox in the Los Angeles area by calling our office and speaking to our patient care coordinators.